Thursday, August 4, 2011

ecological 1-9

1) Overlapping of different food chains is called a FOOD WEB

  1. Soil-Abiotic(producer)
  2. grass-Primary producer
  3. grass hopper eats  grass(Primary consumer)
  4. mouse eats grass hopper(Secondary consumer)
  5. (Snake eats mouse)(secondary consumer)
  6. owl eats mouse(snake).(Carnivore)
3)The sun is the source of all energy on earth. The first law of thermo-dinamic energy states that energy can be transformed from one type to another but it can not be created or destroyd. Energy can be converted to form carbohydrates in plants. Heat in the conversion of energy is lostr in animals where carbs are broken down to release energy. Plants store and absorb solo energy.


The change in one species are caused feedback change in another species

5)Inter-2 different species
   Intra-Same species
   Competition-Working against each other.
   Co-operation- Working together.

Inter-co-operation: Baboon makes alarm sounds for animals down below(Predators)
Inter-competition: Lion cath prey and vulture scavenge carcas.

Intra-co-operation:Wild dogs hunt in a pack with a strategy.
Intra-competition:Two lion males foght over domination,teritory and females

  • Silver cluster grows in sandy soil.
  • Only grows in Tambuki and wild life centre.
  • Frogs indicate water quality.
b) Yes it is the same because when one species gets wiped out or removed the whole eco-system will collaps.(increase/decrease of a certain species)

8a) Starting a system from scratch and succeeding. Then a fire braks out and destroys all plants and system has to start all over again.(Restart)

b)Positive- New grass grows,new life(Thatch grass that no animal eats and can not move trough gets burnt down and other new species plant can grow wich will benefit for animals)

Negative- Grass is on climax then fire comes and wipes out the climaxed plants(all plants) and food sources for animals are lost.

9) ++(mutualism): Both animals/plant benefits out of 'deal'
     +-(comensanilism): Only one wins(tick sucks blood from animals and animals lose blood and can die)
    -(Paratism) : one benefits and 1 die

1 comment:

  1. 6/8/2011: Nice Marnus, thank you.
    Q6b - an indicator species 'shows' a specific habitat, as well as showing when it's quality is degrading. A keystone species is thus not the same.
    Q9 - please give the correct names of the 3 symbiotic relationships you describe. The last example - one is happy the other is effected neither + or -. Also, please give appropriate examples like the 2nd line where ticks drink blood but pass on diseases in the process.
